Wiki does travel: Internet encyclopedia launches - Travel Kit on " . . . That combination, say observers, could present a powerful tool for travelers and a serious threat to traditional guidebook publishers. In fact, it’s not hard to imagine Wikivoyage having the same impact on guidebook publishers that its sister site has had on encyclopedias. . . . "
Wikipedia Takes On Travel Industry With Wikivoyage | Wired Business | " . . . even in the smartphone-enabled world, there’s probably still room for Wikivoyage. If you’re in the U.S. using Google on your phone for travel plans is easy, but once you go abroad it’s often not worth the hassle. Even if you can connect your smartphone to another carrier’s network on another continent, you’ll usually pay a premium on the data needed to load a website. It might be far easier (and cheaper) to whip out a Wikivoyage print-out, and go about your sightseeing (just don’t lose that sheet of paper). Whether we all end up doing that as much as we refer to Wikipedia will depend on how useful, which is to say, how comprehensive and accurate, Wikivoyage becomes.
For travelers, getting a good night’s sleep is harder than ever
[image: Janet Heller wishes the hotel she recently booked in Chicago had
come with a warning label. After she checked in, she started hearing
sirens. And t...
10 hours ago