Biggest-ever Irish tourism initiative unveiled Irish Examiner Irish people around the globe are being invited to come home in 2013 as part of the country's biggest ever tourism drive, the Government claims. Tourism minister Leo Varadkar said the initiative, billed The Gathering, aims to bring at least an extra ... | |||||
Canadian Tourism Commission's "Keep Exploring" Wins Gold at the Inaugural ... MarketWatch (press release) TORONTO and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- DDB Canada's "Keep Exploring" campaign for the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) won gold in the Transmedia category at Tuesday night's AToMiC Awards. ... | |||||
Law-makers get nod to debate bill on resort casinos The Edge Malaysia Legislation that may bring three resort casinos to South Florida's Miami-Dade and Broward counties cleared one hurdle on Thursday, Oct 6 after an appeals court said law-makers can decide to expand gambling without first seeking voters' approval, ... | |||||
Wooing the Bric tourist | beyondbrics | News and views on emerging ... By David Keohane Bric tourists aren't afraid to spend and they could be doubling the amount they pour into the UK to some £1.8bn by 2015 if VisitBritain, the UK's national tourism agency, has its way. The Brics' growing middle classes spend twice as much on ... beyondbrics | |||||
TAT Wins “Best National Tourism Organisation” at TTG Travel ... By Richard Barrow The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has been voted by readers of the TTG Asia Media Group of travel trade publications as the Best National Tourism O... Thai Travel News | |||||
Asian demand for Australian tourist visas on the rise "The tourism industry is expanding beyond traditional markets to include new ones in Asia, which continue to grow strongly," Tourism Minister Martin Ferguson said yesterday in a joint statement with the Minister Assisting on Tourism Nick ... Australian Visa Bureau News | |||||
Japanified burgers on the tourism menu | Japan Pulse By Felicity Hughes Would you go travel hundreds of kilometers just to get a bite of an unusual burger? According to Tokyo Walker, the residents of Kuroshio in Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, are hoping foodies from around Japan will be induced to do just that. ... Japan Pulse | |||||
Inclusive Tourism Is Promoted in Barbados - Rolling Rains Report By Scott Rains Inclusive Tourism Is Promoted in Barbados. By Scott Rains on October 7, 2011 4:30 AM. From There are 650 million tourists with disabilities in the world and a significant number of those want to see the world, the Caribbean ... Rolling Rains Report | |||||
Tourism | LIFT | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of ... Tourism not only draws tourists, however; it also attracts a lot of teenagers who are ... On this theme, one of our reporters found a resort that just has opened (11). ... | |||||
Seoul, NYC form partnership to boost tourism - Travel - News ... Seeing potential in attracting more travelers from Asia, the city's tourism agency announced a partnership Monday with the government of the South Korean ... | |||||
Snow flurries on Saturn's moon would make a perfect ski resort in ... Mapping by Dr Paul Schenk of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas, has revealed the surface of Enceladus is covered in superfine ice crystals.
For travelers, getting a good night’s sleep is harder than ever
[image: Janet Heller wishes the hotel she recently booked in Chicago had
come with a warning label. After she checked in, she started hearing
sirens. And t...
15 hours ago
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